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A filosofia pós-moderna a mascarar a anomia

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 21.10.15


 Alasdair MacIntyre, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?:

Nietzsche is of course not the only intellectual ancestor of modern perspectivism and perhaps not at all of modern relativism. Durkheim, however, provided a clue to the ancestry of both when he described in the late nineteenth century how the breakdown of traditional forms of social relationship increased the incidence of anomie, of normlessness. Anomie, as Durkheim characterized it, was a form of deprivation, of a loss of membership in those social institutions and modes in which norms, including the norms of tradition-constituted rationality, are embodied. What Durkheim did not foresee was a time when the same condition of anomie would be assigned the status of an achievement by and a reward for a self, which had, by separating itself from the social relationships of traditions, succeeded, so it believed, in emancipating itself. This seld-defined success becomes in different versions the freedom from bad faith of the Sartrian individual who rejects determinate social roles, the homelessness of Deleuze’s nomadic thinker, and the presupposition of Derrida’s choice between remaining “within,” although a stranger to, the already constructed social and intellectual edifice, but only in order to deconstruct it from within, or brutally placing oneself outside in a condition of rupture and discontinuity. What Durkheim saw as social pathology is now presented wearing the masks of philosophical pretension.

publicado às 14:16

Não é preciso ser uma águia

por Eduardo F., em 25.01.12
para antecipar o triplo desastre que resultará da extensão da escolaridade obrigatória até aos 18 anos de idade. Primeiro: "enjaular" criaturas em salas contra a sua vontade para nada aprenderem e tentarem que os outros nada aprendam é, no mínimo, idiota e talvez mesmo criminoso. Segundo: protelar ainda mais as já de si parcas possibilidades de quem queira entrar no mercado de trabalho, mesmo que mal remunerado, ganhando autonomia para daí desenvolver a sua cidadania, é criminoso. Terceiro: transformar em delinquentes todos aqueles que venham a escolher, livremente, não ir à escola é uma enormidade própria de pietistas e puritanos, uma grave  violação da liberdade.

publicado às 00:39


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