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(Palácio Presidencial)
Excelente conferência, com oradores de luxo, e pitoresca e engraçada a cidade de Bratislava. Nada como nos dois filmes que todos os visitantes da Eslováquia têm como referência, Hostel e Eurotrip. Moderna, desenvolvida, limpa e cuidada. Mas será o Soska quem melhor poderá elucidar os leitores sobre a cidade, tendo em conta que eu só lá passei 5 dias e que ele viveu lá durante algum tempo. No fim de semana conto deixar por aqui um artigo sobre a conferência e temáticas relacionadas com a agenda actual da NATO.
(vista sobre o Danúbio e Novy Most - Ponte Nova)
High-profile persons of world politics will attend one of the biggest international security conferences in the history of Slovakia. Bratislava will welcome several defence ministers, permanent representatives to NATO, U. S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, advisor to the Russian president and well-known analysts and experts both from Europe and America.
Among others, one of the most awaited keynote speakers will be the new Secretary General of NATO Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen who – during one of his first public appearances – is expected to deliver his vision on the future of the Alliance. The interactive panel discussions of the conference will be chaired by experienced journalists from The Financial Times and The Economist.
The international security conference entitled „New Challenges – Better Capabilities“ is organized as the accompanying event of the October NATO Defence Ministers Meeting in Bratislava. During the two-day conference, participants from more than 30 countries will discuss key security problems of nowadays. The question of the future of NATO – Russian relations, the impact of the economic crisis on defence budgets as well as cyber defence will be touched upon in the course of the respective conference panels. The focal point of the conference will represent the currently prepared new Strategic Concept of the Alliance, on formation which Slovakia is involved for the first time.
The two-day event is organized by the Slovak Atlantic Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and NATO Public Diplomacy Division and will be held in the historical building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava.
Bratislava, October 12, 2009
Slovak Atlantic Commission
More information at
A 8 de Fevereiro de 2008 rumava Bratislava.
Decidido a mudar de vida, mudar de ares e pelos amores.
Um ano...
Um ano que começou bem, que a meio se revelou ser o pior da minha vida, mas que de novo em boas graças findou.
Agora por Varsóvia. Ansioso por saber o que o futuro (me) nos reserva.
Que venha o próximo 8/Fev.