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7 juízes do Tribunal Constitucional, e não 13, chumbam requalificação da função pública? Porquê? Porque 6 estão de férias? Ou porque 7 é número de sorte e 13 de azar? O destino de Portugal anda aos tombos numa tômbola política.
George Pieler no TCS Daily:
The de-facto picking of winners and losers in this crisis by government fiat -- politicians' deciding which industries have to face market rules and which are exempt -- is more unreliable, and more prone to vast miscalculations and wealth-destruction than the worst excesses of Wall Street could ever be.
Politicians claim this excess is temporary, but when was the last time bureaucracies and political jurisdiction over our lives once gained has been voluntarily passed back?
The result might be, for years to come, that instead of our bankers 'gambling' with our money, politicians will do it for them.
In effect, we are swapping 'Casino Capitalism' for a new era of Casino Socialism. Market socialism is bad enough. Casino Capitalism is a manageable problem. But Casino Socialism, historically destined to lead us to an economic dead-end, brings together the worst of both worlds.