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Há coincidências realmente estranhas. Hoje fui acordado por uma Testemunha de Jeová a bater-me à porta com o intuito de divulgar a Palavra do Senhor. Há pouco, via blog de Edward Feser, fui dar a uns posts de Andrew Sullivan em que este relata algumas conversas que teve com Christopher Hitchens. Às tantas, diz este último:
«Yes. As well as being impossibly arrogant, coming in the disguise of modesty, humility, simplicity. “Ah, I’m just a humble person doing God’s work.” No, excuse me, you must be either humble or doing God’s work. You can’t know what God’s work would be, don’t try your modesty on me. And once one’s made that elimination, then everything else becomes more or less simple. My problem only begins there.»