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por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 07.03.13

Há coincidências realmente estranhas. Hoje fui acordado por uma Testemunha de Jeová a bater-me à porta com o intuito de divulgar a Palavra do Senhor. Há pouco, via blog de Edward Feser, fui dar a uns posts de Andrew Sullivan em que este relata algumas conversas que teve com Christopher Hitchens. Às tantas, diz este último:

«Yes. As well as being impossibly arrogant, coming in the disguise of modesty, humility, simplicity. “Ah, I’m just a humble person doing God’s work.” No, excuse me, you must be either humble or doing God’s work. You can’t know what God’s work would be, don’t try your modesty on me. And once one’s made that elimination, then everything else becomes more or less simple. My problem only begins there.»

publicado às 14:58

Sobre a alma e a natureza humana

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 01.04.12

Edward Feser, What is a soul?:


«I noted in a recent post that those beholden to scientism tend to reify abstractions -- to abstract the mathematical structure of a concrete physical system and treat it as if it were the entirety of the system, or to abstract the neurobiological processes underlying human action and treat them as if they were the whole source of human action.  I also noted that while those prone to scientism are notorious for this, Cartesians are guilty of reifying abstractions too.  Specifically, they abstract from the one substance that is a human being its intellectual aspect and its animal aspect and make of them two substances -- putting asunder, as it were, what God and nature had joined together.  And when they finally recombine them, what they are left with is nothing human at all, but a bizarre shotgun marriage of angel and animal, or ghost and machine.  But sometimes a man is just a man.» 

publicado às 12:57

Uma descoberta recente

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 04.03.12

Edward Feser tem um blog onde escreve regularmente, cuja leitura vivamente recomendo (bem como dos seus artigos, a começar por este).

publicado às 20:28


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