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«Comissão Europeia quer mais licenciaturas como a de Relvas: A Comissão Europeia emitiu orientações para que os Estados-membros reforcem a aposta na certificação através do reconhecimento de competências. Por outras palavras, a Europa quer que a experiência possa ser traduzida num diploma universitário.»
Enfim, a UE e as suas preocupações habituais, levando à letra aqueles que dizem ter estudado na "Universidade da vida", continuando a atacar uma das instituições basilares do Ocidente. Recomenda-se a leitura de "The Idea of a University", de Michael Oakeshott:
«This, then, to the undergraduate, is the distinctive mark of a university; it is a place where he has the opportunity of education in conversation with his teachers, his fellows and himself, and where he is not encouraged to confuse education with training for a profession, with learning the tricks of a trade, with preparation for future particular service in Society or with the acquisition of a kind of moral and intellectual outfit to see him through life. Whenever an ulterior purpose of this sort makes its appearance, education (which is concerned with persons, not functions) steals out of the back door with noiseless steps. The pursuit of learning for the power it may bring has its roots in a covetous egoism which is no less egoistic or less covetous when it appears as a so-called “social purpose,” and with this a university has nothing to do. The form of its curriculum has no such design; and the manner of its teaching – teachers interested in the pupil himself, in what he his thinking, in the quality of his mind, in his immortal soul, and not in what sort of schoolmaster or administrator he can be made into – the manner of this teaching has no such intention.»