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(...)and we must not forget that the history of Leftism is one of almost endless victories, the history of Rightism one of almost endless defeats. The Stuarts, the Carlist Pretenders, the Habsburgs, the Church in Northern Europe, Austria as against Prussia, the Sonderbund as against Swiss centralism, the White Armies in Russia, the Bourbons in France — they all lost, were beaten, defeated, and rendered powerless. They may be ultimately victorious— in the sense that Christ was after the crucifixion. Yet it is always the defeat, the "Lost Cause" which attracts the noble man who is a loving man and whose heart turns instinctively toward those who suffer and not toward those who triumph.
Rightist ideas on the other hand are only truly magnetic if they are absolutely pure; Leftist ideas, on account of their materialistic and heretic essence, never demand perfection. Mediocrity is the death of every Rightist movement, but it is the very air in which Leftism thrives.
A totalitarian leader who betrays practically every point of his party program hardly shakes the faith of his fanatical followers, but mediocre monarchs, Popes, and prelates have destroyed the old order.
The Treaty of Versailles itself was not the great evil which finally brought the National Socialists into power. It is not difficult to vindicate the letter of Versailles; it is the spirit which makes it inexcusable. It is the spirit of Versailles which brought no material advantage whatsoever to the victors but gave the National Socialists a powerful weapon into their hands. Was it necessary to copy Herr von Bismarck's bad dramatic taste in choosing the Mirror Hall of Versailles, birthplace of the Second Reich, as a stage for the scene where the German delegates were made to sign the fateful document?
They signed the death warrant of the Second Reich which was a none too glorious period in German history but a mild one in comparison with the one bound to follow. Could not another day have been picked than the fifth anniversary of the assassination in Sarayevo and the four hundredth anniversary of the electionof the greatest ruler of the First Reich — Charles V?Was it necessary to celebrate in such solemn form the fact that murder does pay? Could not Count Brockdorff-Rantzau be treated at least in the same way as Trotzki was treated in Brest Litovsk? Was it necessary to force the signature under the war guilt clause?
The Menace of the Herd, Francis Stuart Campbell
O Instinto da Manada - O Sentimento Romântico
A cidade, a megalópolis - A vila, a comunidade rural, casa do camponês
Igualdade - Liberdade
Identidade - Diversidade, Hierarquia
Democracia - Monarquia ou Aristocracia
Determinismo - Livre-arbítrio ou Livre-alvedrio
Segurança, protecção - Aventura
Nacionalismo, internacionalismo - Supranacionalismo
O Soldado, militarismo - O Cavaleiro, o guerreiro
Industrialismo - Artesanato
Individualismo e colectivismo - Personalismo
Apartamento, hotel - O solar, a quinta, a casa, a tenda
Antropocentrismo - Teocentrismo
Homogeneidade de massas - Mosaico de famílias
Monotonia - Harmonia
Centralismo - Federalismo (na acepção europeia da palavra)
Ordem horizontal - Ordem vertical
Sociedade contratual - Serviço, autoridade patriarcal
Capitalismo privado ou estatal - Anti-materialismo - por vezes, anti-capitalismo
Anonimato e impessoalidade - Responsabilidade pessoal
Sujeição às exigências dos tempos - Intemporalidade, conservadorismo
Adoração das novas modas, divinização da juventude - Adoração do antigo
Impressão do fim, medo da morte - Sentido de imortalidade
Exagerada importância da morte - Indiferença para com a saúde
Vida em Movimento - Vida Contemplativa
Adoração do Doutor, o Homem da Bata Branca - Adoração da vida do Homem Santo
Velocidade (o Carro como símbolo do Homem da Manada, expressão da mortalidade) - Lentidão, procrastinação
Cobardice - Coragem, firmeza
Cuidado - Intrepidez
Escapismo - Capacidade de enfrentar os factos