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(enviada à Fremantle International em nome de princípios universais)
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Dear Sirs,
I address this letter in the name of certain principles that should prevail in our societies.
The Portuguese production version of the TV show IDOLS has gone overboard and humiliated a failed contestant making a mockery of one of his physical features - in this disrespectful case, his ears.
The MEDIA should NEVER be a vehicle for expressions of discrimination, racism or xenophobia. Although apologies were presented by SIC TV channel to the targeted contestant, I believe more must be done by the very ones that invented the original formula. In other words, the contract and implicit production and broadcast rights must be revised, OR EVEN CANCELLED.
Democracy, although consolidated in Portugal, must still fine tune some of its behaviors. An obligation that all open societies are subject to, East and West. All countries demonstrate distinct forms of imbalance, but if they were to go unnoticed and unchallenged, then deeper forms of betrayal would certainly flourish.
We have witnessed in Portugal, on a prime-time TV programme meant to entertain and amuse, a clear example of bullying that must also be condemned by the creators of the show. Fremantle Media International must produce a serious and responsible reply to this incident.
Yours Sincerely,
John Wolf