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Então mas Obama não era o Super-Homem?

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 08.03.09


(imagem picada daqui)


Agradecendo ao André Azevedo Alves pela referência, e ao Luís Cardoso pela indicação do link desta notícia, aqui ficam as alegadas razões da falta de cordialidade de Obama para com Gordon Brown:


Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.




A well-connected Washington figure, who is close to members of Mr Obama's inner circle, expressed concern that Mr Obama had failed so far to "even fake an interest in foreign policy".




British diplomats insist the visit was a success, with officials getting the chance to develop closer links with Mr Obama's aides. They point out that the president has agreed to meet the prime minister for further one-to-one talks in London later this month, ahead of the G20 summit on April 2.

But they concede that the mood music of the event was at times strained. Mr Brown handed over carefully selected gifts, including a pen holder made from the wood of a warship that helped stamp out the slave trade - a sister ship of the vessel from which timbers were taken to build Mr Obama's Oval Office desk. Mr Obama's gift in return, a collection of Hollywood film DVDs that could have been bought from any high street store, looked like the kind of thing the White House might hand out to the visiting head of a minor African state.

Mr Obama rang Mr Brown as he flew home, in what many suspected was an attempt to make amends.


Mas a melhor pérola vem mesmo de um dos oficiais do State Department:


The real views of many in Obama administration were laid bare by a State Department official involved in planning the Brown visit, who reacted with fury when questioned by The Sunday Telegraph about why the event was so low-key.

The official dismissed any notion of the special relationship, saying: "
There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world. You shouldn't expect special treatment."

publicado às 18:00

A desilusão continua

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 06.03.09


(imagem picada daqui)


Primeiro foram as cartas iguais endereçadas a chefes de estado, de governo e presidentes dos parlamentos nacionais. Agora Obama e a sua equipa demonstram uma total falta de cordialidade, para não dizer mesmo de cortesia diplomática básica, ao tratarem os seus clássicos aliados britânicos de forma deselegante. É óbvio para toda a gente que se preocupa com estas matérias que o eixo principal da política externa norte-americana estará a deslocar-se cada vez mais para o Pacífico. Mas a Europa, a Velha Europa, ainda continua a ser a base de apoio mais forte que os Estados Unidos podem ter, nem que seja pela partilha de culturas e valores comuns que facilitam o entendimento entre as diversas nações e a sua concertação em diversas instituições multilaterais.


Pelo André Azevedo Alves fui dar com um blog do Daily Telegraph da autoria de Iain Martin, que há dois dias escrevia:

But on this side of the Atlantic the whole business looked pretty demeaning. The morning papers and TV last night featured plenty of comment focused on the White House's very odd and, frankly, exceptionally rude treatment of a British PM. Squeezing in a meeting, denying him a full press conference with flags etc. The British press corps, left outside for an hour in the cold, can take it and their privations are of limited concern to the public.

But Obama's merely warmish words (one of our closest allies, said with little sincerity or passion) left a bitter taste with this Atlanticist. Especially after his team had made Number 10 beg for a mini press conference and then not even offered the PM lunch.

We get the point, sunshine: we're just one of many allies and you want fancy new friends. Well, the next time you need something doing, something which impinges on your national security, then try calling the French, or the Japanese, or best of all the Germans. The French will be able to offer you first rate support from their catering corps but beyond that you'll be on your own.

When it comes to men, munitions and commitment you'll soon find out why it pays to at least treat the Brits with some manners.


E já hoje, o mesmo Iain Martin dá conta de como a atitude de Obama se alterou ao ser convidado para se encontrar com a Rainha de Inglaterra:


But what's this? Something, suddenly, seems to have made the Obama White House perk up and start to take an interest in the Brits. The Queen has invited the President to tea when he's here for the G20 in April. And he's in through the front door of Buckingham Palace faster than a Harley Davidson roaring along Route 66.

Note how the coolness of Team Obama disappears when a bit of regal glamour is introduced into the equation. He might not like the Brits, but he can recognise a global superstar when he encounters one. He wants to be associated with her. He's shameless.

publicado às 23:16

Humor inglês

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 06.12.08

Para os que gostam do humor inglês, alguém comentava esta semana que, no decorrer de um evento social, o telemóvel de Gordon Brown tocou e este, com um sorriso rasgado, terá comentado:
- Peço desculpa, deve ser outro banco que faliu!


Era este tipo de sentido de humor que eu gostava que a política portuguesa tivesse. Deve ser por isso que quero ir estudar/viver em Inglaterra. Mas em Portugal os políticos são todos carrancudos e politicamente correctos. Uns filhos-da-mãe, para não dizer uma asneira, e que passam a vida a lixarem-se uns aos outros, mas ironias e sentido de humor é que não, não fica bem na fotografia. Vai na volta sou eu que estou no ramo errado, em vez de me preocupar com política devia começar a preocupar-me com a comédia, pode ser que ainda encontre nessa a minha grande vocação. Ou não.

publicado às 01:07


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