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«Malaysia clerics say no to Portugal, Man Utd, Brazil jerseys

MELAKA, Malaysia: The small street seller had all the European club jerseys ready for sale on Saturday evening, as passersby wanted to grab their favorite international shirt ahead of this month’s Euro 2012. But for Portugal fans, the jersey was nowhere to be found.

“We are not allowed to sell the jersey because it shows a cross,” the shopkeeper told “I still love Portugal and will be rooting for them, but we are an Islamic country and don’t want to get people angry,” he added.

While it is not officially banned in the country, a number of Islamic clerics have voiced their concern over the jersey, which has a large cross on the front, highlighting Portugal’s Catholic faith. But in Malaysia, symbols often find themselves under attack by the country’s virulent Muslim clerics.

However, one fan, who recently returned from a short trip to Thailand sports his Ronaldo jersey with pride. “I don’t care what those people say, this is just football and not religion,” he said.

Portugal is not the only jersey to be pulled from the shelves. Brazil, which also boasts a large cross, has been barred by clerics. Manchester United, the world’s most popular club team, has also sparked the ire of clerics in the Southeast Asian country over its nickname, the Red Devils.

Despite the Old Trafford side having an estimated 81 million followers in Asia, one senior cleric said: “You are only promoting the devil.”

“This is very dangerous. As a Muslim we should not worship the symbols of other religions or the devils,” another added, in a Forbes report.

“It will erode our belief in Islam. There is no reason why we as Muslims should wear such jerseys, either for sports or fashion reasons.”

Either way, Malaysians are gearing up for Europe’s continental tournament and are picking up their team’s jerseys in large numbers. “We are getting most of these sold all the time because of the tournament, so it’s good for business,” added the shopkeeper.

But not for Portugal fans.»


Chateiam-nos muito e nós ainda começamos a distribuir bananas e pepinos.

publicado às 09:00

Mohamed VI, o dique contra o extremismo islâmico

por Nuno Castelo-Branco, em 30.04.12

Após o resultado das últimas eleições, seria de esperar que passo a passo o executivo tentasse a total islamização de todos os serviços públicos. Iniciou o processo através de novas regras a impor à televisão estatal marroquina. Além dos cinco chamamentos diários à oração, quis colocar um ponto final nas emissões em francês, dedicando aquele espaço à religião e à quase certa difusão de um bem conhecido reaccionarismo que se tem livremente instalado de Tunis ao Cairo.


O monarca opôs-se, acompanhado pelos partidos da oposição parlamentar e numerosas personalidades da sociedade civil, destacando-se conhecidos intelectuais marroquinos.


O primeiro-ministro Benkiran atreve-se agora a afirmar que "os reis não estão forçosamente rodeados de boas pessoas (...), podem estar rodeados de inimigos que serão os primeiros a deixá-los cair" Indo ainda mais longe vai ameaçando que "a Primavera árabe ainda não terminou e poderá voltar". 


Estamos então perante o dilema de num país que votou maioritariamente no partido islamita, o Rei ser obrigado a intervir para garantir aquilo que segundo as suas palavras, é o "dever do respeito da pluralidade cultural e linguística de Marrocos".


Oxalá os Estados Unidos não tenham qualquer súbito interesse na desestabilização do nosso vizinho do sul.

publicado às 16:45

Simplesmente genial: George Carlin - Save the planet

por Samuel de Paiva Pires, em 18.06.09


publicado às 02:21


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