por John Wolf, em 05.04.16

Migration and Integration (special focus on refugees) - as a participant in this panel, these were the ideas I organized and intended to present in the discussion. I was somewhat censored. Here they are:
- The Political, Economic, Financial, Cultural, Linguistic, Religious, Ethnic, Historic, Humanitarian dimensions as intertwined vectors of Migration, Integration and the Refugee condition. How to dissociate one from the other? How to establish a hierarchy of importance in the light of the urgency/emergency? And what about the answer to the complexity of the challenge? – ETHICS – the moral obligation to find solutions that go beyond conventional politics, ideology. And ultimately, in the light of the ideal of a UNION model, is Migration and are the Refugees part of the construction process?
- Instead, although cynically, one may already coin the challenge as being a clash between the model of REFUGEE ECONOMICS and DOMESTIC POLITICAL ECONOMICS, and the importance of gaining the favour of public opinions. Do refugees stimulate growth in the economies of arrival, bearing in mind the pan-European crisis and the already overstretched capacity of policy makers? Does the Refugee theme further the goals of domestic extremism?
- Soros mentions a $45 billion dollar price tag over the next three-five years to formally integrate the flow of refugees in terms of employment, basic income support, housing, healthcare, etc…
- In Germany´s case that would amount to 0.5 % of GDP; for Austria 0.3% and Sweden 0.9 % - so the question is how to establish financial parity amongst EU member-states? Is a human quota system feasible and ethically acceptable?
- Is Europe or is the European Union the final destination of migrants or refugees, or is there hope for these peoples to return to their homelands? Is Greece becoming a distorted Ellis Island? The friction point of an array of ailments that have hindered the EU integration process? Is fence politics growing and mutating into something far more sinister?
- Meanwhile, Austria's interior minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, announced plans by her government to launch an advertising campaign in Afghanistan — including billboards, TV ads and public bus banners — to discourage Afghans from trying to reach Europe.
- And how can one condition/shape the policies of non-EU member states, such as Turkey? The Turkish government will now be consulted as to whether it´s prepared to close its borders to illegal migration.
- The more we realize the European solution is not making progress, the more we have to depend on national measures. – Bavarian Governor Seehofer.
- And he goes further to claim that significant portions of the Schengen Agreement, the Dublin Regulation, the asylum Law and the asylum article in the German Constitution are not being observed or even implemented.
- Or if we go even further in these considerations and focus on a larger framework, we could even state that the EU/Europe have fallen under the dependency of the foreign policy of actors that are not even European. We know that the deep roots of this crisis are linked to the new cold war conflicts that have emerged and are gaining shape in Syria or Iraq. The US and Russia, are in this manner, intensely linked to both ends of the very same problem. The origin of the conflict in Syria and the possibility of actively finding a solution to the crisis that´s spread to other territories – they must have a role in finding a solution the Refugee crisis. We are on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.
- One must bear in mind Russia´s foreign policy intentions and the manner in which the Refugee crisis is being used to further hinder the EU. Not to mention ISIL´s agenda.
- Furthermore one must consider NATO´s role, also bearing in mind its mission in international seas and as an active security player in the context of the unavoidable linkage brought to the fore regarding Terrorism and internal security issues. So NATO is also internalizing its operation, altering the nature of its role to accommodate a entirely different set of defence issues.
- The link between the concept of refugee and the concession of citizenship. The American dream as opposed to the EU federal dilemma. One has not heard of this degree of relation between the two. The dream of all those that reached American shores was to become US citizens.
- And if we wish to seek models of migration, integration and the consolidation of a Union, federal or not, one cannot help oneself from comparing the EU case from the American Union. To offer you a simple example; no one from California would question the Federal Governments allocation of resources to a poorer state, let´s say Arizona. The North-South divide that portrays the EU must be overcome if one wishes to achieve the Union condition.
- Are Refugees to become a new form of currency? Tsipras just requested 480 million euros to deal with crisis that’s setting its camp in this debt burdened country.
- Ultimately the question that the EU/Europe is facing is one with identity and historic implications. Is the European mainland supposed to be a stable entity or can it withstand the contagion of distinct lifestyles? We are witnessing a inverse, albeit distorted, form of migrant-colonization. The western governments simply cannot negotiate with non-existing partners, the governments of the countries where the bulk of refugees are coming from, are not abiding to the same political code, do not necessarily share the same values, and, in a more dire sense, have lost control over their peoples.